Abhishek Aggarwal - fake add in quikr and stolen my money(6500) from my acount
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Complaint by: malay samanta on January 5, 2015, 2:27 am in Internet Related

Sir my name is malay samanta , I am finding a job around Bangalore then I saw a add in quikr, then I contact him and asked everything about this job . after that he told that this job in mg road and this is a part time job and told that at first I have to pay 1550 rupees then I will get job & I have to work weekly 3 days approximately & sallary also 15000.then I thought is it very good for me I can easily do it .on 3rd Jan 2015 he send me bank details(bank of Baroda ,ac no-1********09383,name-abhishek aggarwal) then I trying to deposits bt I am not be able to do .then I again contact him and told that I am not be able to do then he told that u can take other bank account number (UCO bank of India ,ac no-0********37936,name- pinky nayak) but 2nd time also I am not be able to do .at last he asked me hv u any state bank dabit card ,if you have then you can easyli transfer card to card ,so he send me a state bank dabit ATM card number(********42000009960) so then I deposited 1555.50 rupes .
After that he told that I have to send that ATM receipt along my all details . then I send my all details along receipt copy to this email-(surajroy400@gmail.com).after that he told that he will give me all details then he told before work I have to pay extra 5000 rupees and then he will fixed a mitting & then I will get a job so he told that I have to go mg road and have to meet some one & then I will get a job and sallery & he told that only one time I have to pay 5000 rupees from next time no need so I deposited 5000 to this state atm dabit card ..after deposited he told I have to come mg road and meet with him. And he told I have to meet on 5o' clock .
Then I went that place and I saw no one is there and from that time he put my phn number in block list , he didn't received and replayed my calls & texts.
Then I was sooo surprised and sad ..and I thinking some one manipulated me .
I hope u people r help me for this case ..I will sent u all details .all bank details ..plz focuse for this problem who is this ? & plz help to refund my money 6555.50 paisa ..I hope I will get all possative results...

Complainant's Goal: some one manipulated me and I deposited 6555.50 rupees then he didn't reply me
Complainant's Target: Abhishek Aggarwal
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnataka
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