eZone Electronics - eZone offers are big time FRAUDSTERS !!!!
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Complaint by: Param on October 23, 2010, 9:09 am in Consumer Electronics

eZone Electronics offers mentioned in the Daily Newspapers are just to lure the customers but NONE OF THEM ARE REAL !!!

BEWARE OF THESE FRAUDSTERS !!! This is the case anywhere in Bangalore so GET RID OF THEM !!! There are tons of other shops in the City that you can happily shop than these guys !!!

I went to their shop in mid August 2010 after seeing an attractive offer in the daily about the Videocon LED TV 32''. They even had only one piece in the display. After seeing the piece, i immediately proceeded to the counter to buy it. The Person at the Cash counter - Syed in the JP Nagar office told me that the TV is not in stock but can take the orders if i am ready to wait for 2 weeks. I agreed and made the token advance, obtained a receipt for the same. I kept calling and also waited for more than a month for the availability of that LED TV but it never came !!! All the time they told me the they have not got the stock from the company. So I felt its enough of waiting, went to their office by 10th September and cancelled the previous order for which they took more than 2 hours(just to cancel !!! ) and to get the refund back they made the process more complicated telling i have to wait some more time and they will issue a refund voucher which i have encash after two weeks etc., etc., hence i decided to buy another TV rather than getting the refund back so i made the purchase of another TV that was in stock. I took Samsung LCD 32' TV and taken the item immediately in my car rather than waiting for them to deliver as i had lost hope on their customer care by then. They were happy since they did not lose the customer ( By this time i realised that the Offer of the LED TV that they originally published in the paper was just to lure the customer to keep them in their clutches but in reality the Offer and the TV itself was NOT REAL !! ). They must have got the token advance from many customers like this and i am sure all the customers would have bought some other item from their shop after waiting for that LED TV. This way they got the innocent customers very easily !! After the sale is over, They assured me of some valuable gifts but said they have no stock of any valuable gifts right now(I cant believe !!) but would call as soon as they get them in stock. Its been over a month that i constantly follow up with them, they always say "NO STOCK".

During this one month time, i observed that they keep advertising in the dailies like HINDU, TIMES OF INDIA about attractive gifts like Dinner Set, Gold Coins etc., but NONE OF THESE GIFTS ARE "IN STOCK" AND IT WOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO ANY OF THE CUSTOMERS AS WELL !!!

They are so smart that after the sale is over, they would promptly tell the customers that the gifts are not in stock but would give them in a day or two. But that day Would NEVER COME FOR SURE !!! Beware of these cheap fraudsters !!

If you think you are smart enough and if you have do the shopping only in eZone with no other choice please make sure they show the gifts to you before you do the sale and then proceed buying otherwise you would just be one among us !!!! DONT EVER FALL INTO THEIR TRAPS NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY OR HOW POLITELY THEY TALK !!!

I am still following up with Ashraf (Branch Manager) and Syed to obtain the gift with NO HOPE !! I would not go to this shop or any of their outlets in India for any more shopping !!!!!!!!!

Complainant's Goal: Attractive Gifts offered by eZone are NOT REAL !!
Complainant's Target: eZone Electronics
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Recent Comments
Tue, 26 Oct 2010  Krishnan

I support this complaint. They are big time frauds !!

Sat, 23 Oct 2010  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to eZone Electronics on October 23, 2010, 9:09 am