I had invested in PRAKAUSALI INVESTMENTS (INDIA) PVTLTD NCD with ISIN INE628K07032. The NCD was due to mature in May 2011. However because the underlying security went below the threshold, the NCD was redeemed in February 2011. The maturity was done properly by payment of principal and interest. However the NCD is still present in my demat account. Matured NCDs have to be removed from my Demat account. I want to close the Demat account but because this NCD is present in the Demat account I am not able to close the Demat account. I have sent repeated emails to the company and explained my problem and situation. However they have not done anything. The are blaming the trustees and in the latest email are also threatening legal action against me if I complain. I do not know who to approach for this problem. Request you to please do the needful.