KA 03 HN 1870 - Eve teased/slang and hit physically
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Complaint by: Rupali on September 17, 2012, 8:32 am in Sexual Abuse
I was walking from Vimanapura post towards my home (LBS Nagar) with my daughter. One of the two strangers riding on a bike hit/slap my lower back and used slang. Somehow I was able to note the Vehicle Registration No. : KA-03-HN-1870.
Complainant's Goal: To punish those people
Complainant's Target: KA-03-HN-1870
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In every part of Bamgalore such situations are rampant. Riding with threesome, without helmet, in wrong side in one way right opposite with heavy speed and of course eveteasing of our sisters is going on unabated. Added to this hit and run cases. People involved in this are kingpins with high ranking officials sons, politicians and traders with blackmoney. Even the police look the other way and doesnt dare to confront them. God only should rescue innocents