Earn money with TheAdMatrix - earn20.com is a big time cheater in india
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Complaint by: Sagar on January 30, 2011, 7:29 pm in Internet Related
Dear friend
earn20 is a big cheater in india . This company is run by some cheaters who take 3000 in the name of registration and then after they never pick up the call of registered user and they never reply back. So please beware to this site don no register here and do not pay the money in the name of registration .
Complainant's Goal: earn20.com is a fraud company in india.
Complainant's Target: Earn money with TheAdMatrix
Recent Comments
Sun, 30 Jan 2011 Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk
An email communication has been sent to Earn money with TheAdMatrix on January 30, 2011, 7:29 pm
earn 20 are the big cheaters in india they take 3000 Rs
they rejected many of my form just passed 2 forms they are not giving any responses
they just tell to mail your problems & u will get you back within 2days
2 weeks have gone but not responses
i need to leave that job & get my money back