I have completed my B.com from OPEN University YCMOU... after 8 months i received my mark sheet with errors and when approached my study centre they directed me to NASIK and after 5 to 6 visites to nasik and 2 years of time i received my corrected mark sheet (I have send University notice through Consumer Court) after that work was fast... but the biggest shock come to me after I applied for Masters from Local university and they refuse to give me admission on the basis of OPEN university degree... why govt. is doing all these things god knows but people dont join open university degree courses as it will land you with no options for future
This is the true... open university is like puppet university offers only degree and this give satisfaction to person that he is the holder of degree.. but in reality this degree is not even considered by most of the corporates for jobs....
I give online exam of V92 course BSc six semester my PRN is 201501********24 but till my result is not declared by university ,lam pass all semester so please declared my result as early as