I was one of the passenger from Muscat, Oman to Bahrain with ticket number ETKT 0********3299 and flight number GF 565 on the 16th of June 2011 which was supposed to be departing Muscat 18:55 P.M. (Local Time), but due to some problems with other passengers seats I believed, departure was delayed and arriving Bahrain 19:40 P.M. (Local Time)
In this connection, I missed my flight from Bahrain to Manila on that same date. Besides that with the same reason I also missed my domestic connecting flight by Manila to Cebu Zest Air (Z2 388) departing Manila 1600Hrs. on the next day 17th of June 2011.
My complaint is, because of the delayed I missed my domestic connecting flight and my domestic ticket (E ticket number 457 0042906742) was forfeited.
Can you give a full clear answer... that because of the delayed my domestic flight was forfeited and who will answer now due I need to claimed the said amount in return?
Attach is my domestic E Ticket from Zest Air.