BBMP Malleshwaram - Delay of 6 years in tfr of khatha PID no 9-20-8
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Complaint by: ananthrmbn on November 27, 2011, 7:59 pm in Government and Police

A tfr of khatha applied and acknowledged vide no 2005-1487 on 24-11-2005 on death of holder in favour of her only daughter The PID no is 9-20-8 concerning property no 4356/8 as allotted by BDA only according to BBMP authorities.. Several trips and bribe given also dint got the work done. RTI applied on 29-06-2011 followed by appeal dtd 26-09-2011. A query dtd 05-12-2008 was delivered by hand in reply to RTI on 23-11-2011. Credit of amount at Rs 50 per sq yard as demanded in query was refused by BBMP stating such orders withdrawn. Alternatively a PC and reconveyance deed from BDA demanded. BDA applied on 25-07-2011 and an RTI filed on 28-09-2011. An official from BDA made spot visit took measurement and vanished since I refused giving bribe. RTI was replied stating no records at BDA and entry blank in its register. But site nos neighbouring adjacent and opposite all have been reconveyed. Reply from BDA is not only strange but unconvincing. Perhaps they expected a heavy bribe in which case it would have been reconveyed as in the case of all other neighbours in Subramanyanagar 3rd cross Rajajinagar II stage. A RTI appeal filed to commissioner BDA on 17-11-2011 against the irresponsible reply to my RTI. The appeal is still pending.

Complainant's Goal: To achieve tfr of khatha in applicants name
Complainant's Target: BBMP Malleshwaram
Complaint Location: IndiaSubramanyanagar 3rd cross
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Wed, 29 Feb 2012   Message By Complainant AnantharamaiahBN

As a followup many emails to commissioner BDA sent are not answered. That sent to chief minister are promptly forwarded to BDA and BBMP as the case may be but no followup action taken by CMs office. As per one of the emails I was summoned to BDA on 24th february2012 and told that the reconveyance done under 4354 has to be in our property and the existing property reconveyed under 4354 has to be given and reconveyed under no 4353. There is a mistake and we are responsible for the mistake. I asked how can we be responsible when somebody in BDA has done reconveyance without site visit and without comparison with the BDA map. However i requested the matter in writing which was not given but i was asked to wait for a week. I have clearly told that I am not for attending BDA and to be told come tomorrow which is the practice there.

Tue, 14 Feb 2012   Message By Complainant AnantharamaiahBN

The case is still pending 6 yrs at BBMP and 6 months with BDA. The emails to CM kasrnataka are promptly forwarded to BDA and BBMP with no followup action