E me - Delay in my claim
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Complaint by: KARUNA on December 15, 2010, 6:04 am in Health and Medical Stores
I am acustomer of E-meditek solutions ltd., for the past few years having mediclaim polcies. My EMSL IDS No: UI-CANA-14279439. Policy No:070300/2009-2010/11/325.For the complaint of my wife's cronic perineal region pain, she was admitted in a hospital and undergone investigations and treatment. For the same I have sent a claim for Rs.13,927/= dt.27-09-2010 to its Coimbatore office. But so for I have not received any reply from them. Kindly do the needfull.
Complainant's Goal: I need the re-embursement
Complainant's Target: E-me
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