Online railway - Corruption by Ticket checker in railway
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Complaint by: Rammanohar on February 6, 2012, 12:04 pm in Indian Railways

I Rammanohar Yadav travelled from Nagpur to Bhopal on 4/2/2012 by grand trunk express at 12:25 pm without any problems, but when I returned from bhopal to nagpur on 5/4/2012 by sampark kranti 4:25 pm there was big problems of corruption of Rs.868/- is faced by me by Ticket master H.K.Sony.
Travelling in both of the way was the exactly the same step but the returning took hamper step. The ticket was online tatkal scheme. ID proof with me was the Election card and bank ATM card but I entered my PAN card no. as ID proof in ticket booking & forgot to carry it with me.
Due to this reason I required to give Rs. 868/- & obtain a new ticket from the TT. My questions are:
1. When I go to bhopal why this step could not took placed?
2. Does it was valid to take new ticket inspite of having confirmed seat and valid Photo based Election ID proof?
3. Can I get returned back this money? If yes then how?
4. Does this kind of step will be continue inspite of having multiple id proof?
5. We are moving in the world of new technology of running world where we can perform everything online, sms booking, ticket through mobile etc. If this process will be continue of the technology the large no of people who do not know technology, how will be they suffer. what is this paperless work of saving plants, saving petrol , saving time from waiting in queue, where large no of unknown technology person will face more problems in future.
6. Everything appears that if I go to the counter of railway staion and obtain the ticket then without any ID proof we can travelled in the train and there is no problems at all.
7. What next I should do?

Please help me waiting for your's responses.

Thanks & Regards!
Rammanohar Yadav

Complainant's Goal: How to get the returned money
Complainant's Target: Online railway
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraNagpur
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