Dear Sir,
I beg to say that, I have Received my water Bill no. 022228627055 of Rs. 2489 / - with the arrear of Rs. 1896 /- period of 10-Dec.-2013 to 22-Feb-2014.
I use to deposit my bill before the due days. but from the duration of 08-Oct-2013 to 10-Dec-2013, Bill No. 022228025804 have not received at my door.
I am providing the details, which has mention on current bill.
Bill ID Bill from Date Bill to Date No. of Days Amount Units Not Received
22228025804 8-Oct-13 10-Dec-13 63 1897 74
Bill Basis : Provisional Actual Average.
I would like request to you, kindly verify my previous bills and average of Units. which can shows consumption.
There are some mistake/error, kindly check or provide the record summary of that period (08-oct-2013 to 10-Dec-2013). Request to you, Excess Amount Deposited should be carried forward in next bill..
I would be very Thankful to you..
Yours faithfully
409, Guru Ram Dass Nagar,
Gali no-4 , Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
New KNO. 0222220000