Conductor did not opened the door of coach C 1 - Conductor Gulab Singh (2466- RMA TO UJJAIN 0N 01/10/10) did criminal negligence
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Complaint by: Dr. Atul Tiwari on October 3, 2010, 11:10 pm in Indian Railways

Dear Sir
I am making this official complaint against Conductor Mr. Gulab Singh (Conductor in B-1 & C-1, in 2466 Jodhpur-Indore Express- for neglecting his duties on 01/10/10, which pushed me in to serious trouble & physical exertion to get in to the train.

I was waiting train on Ram Ganj Mandi (RMA) at the scheduled place of AC Chair car (CC) & bougie came at right place. Its stay time is around just minute there.
I reached to the gate of C-1 (AC CHAIR CAR) & found it locked from inside. I casually waited for 15-20 seconds, knocked it but it did not opened & no conductor was there. Then I rushed with my luggage & female companion to 2nd gate of C-1 & found that it was also locked. Just waiting for 10-15 seconds I rushed to 1st gate of B-1 which was next to it. Surprisingly that was also locked. By that time it was red signal there & 2nd gate of B-1 was at the other end of bougie. But I had to run since all sleeper boguies are normally disconnected from AC bougies.
At this climax I found the last gate was also closed. I tapped it badly was exhausted after running around 40 meter but no conductor was there to open it.Due to my good luck some gentle boy appeared there & opened it. Me & my companion were not normal till next 20 minuted due to this mishap.
When I asked to boy, where was the Conductor ? he told me that he was sleeping !!
Nobody came to check tickets till 20 minutes before Nagda junction.
When he came, I made a complaint to him (why door was not opened) but the lie said said he was there & attended passengers
But chart showed that passengers were from Bhawani Mandi not from RMA & were of B-1 not of C-1 (I got the information that after attending these he again went to sleep.
When I asked him that if you were there, why you couldnt see us- he was just quiet.

He very badly said that bougies are side by side so it hardly matters, while the fact is gate 1 of C-1 was around 40 meters from 2nd gate of B-1. Since I never know that I have to rush to last gate so as per rule I was waiting out side gate 1 of my own bougie (C-1) & It needs 20 meters running from gate 1 to gate 2 of same bougie (enough to cause a heart attack to a heart patient- fortunately I am not)
I also found that till nagda, around 4 people travelled in train & got down at next station, without being checked for tickets because conductor was Sleeping in B-1 & ONE OF THEIR FRIENDS OPENED THE GATE THE DOOR OF C-1 FROM INSIDE.

He is Mr Gilab Singh (If he has told is name correct I am doubtful). He was a gentle looking (but was not) old, bald man with few white hairs on his had & was with a bit puffy body & puffy face.
We are told that systems in our country do not work good, because we people avoid making a complaint.
I am yet to see, what happens to this complaint, you penalise him for next time or encourage to keep doing by throwing my complaint in dust bean.

I was really in deep trouble & this incidence has made me afraid for my next journeys, as now I will be expecting this probability in future also, which I never I thought of in my 54 years.
I would like to be aware of proceeding of this complaint.
My E ticket is enclosed herewith
(Please forward it to appropriate address as I dont know where to send it )

Dr. Atul Tiwari

Complainant's Goal: to penalise Mr Gulab Singh (Conductor B- &C-1 Coach in 2466 on 01/10/10 RMA-Ujja
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshUjjain
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