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Complaint by: VINAYAK DHAGE on December 10, 2013, 3:53 pm in Insurance All

Dear Concern,

I want to raise complaint against DLF PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE.

I got a call from DLF PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE and offer me Loan on 0% interest in 45days of processing.
Then he offer me a policy and told me that You have received a loan against policy in next 45 days.
At that time I am a very needy person in terms of rupees because I have been going family problem at the same time.
So I took 40k of 1 policy of DLF PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE in Sep'13.

After 45days the again I called the persone for my loan amount so he told me that having some issue at our level so it will take time.
then again after 10days I called again so he told me your file is loan rejected so give me 5 days time I will definitely process your file personally.
again when I called the person he involved 2 more person as a senior in this case.The most senior person told me give me 10 days time I will do my best.
so I belive them and give him time.but when after 10 days I called that person he not even pick my call. continuously I called her for 2 days but he havn't pick up the call.
After that I called him from another number so at that time he picked up the call and I told him that I don't want loan amount, Please cancelled my policy and give me my money back.
he promised me that the policy will be cancelled and your money will be credited before 3 Nov'13. But this is not happened till now and all of 3 person phone number is switched off now.

I am totally frustrated now.

So I take a decision to registered a complaint against the team and company.

I have all the call records and voice records regarding the same.

My Name - Vinayak Vilas Dhage.
My Contact Number - ********02.
My Submitted Cheque bank - ICICI Bank.
My Submitted Cheque Number - 214057, 214758 (cancelled cheque)
My Submitted Cheque Date - 26-08-2013.
My Submitted Cheque Amount - 40,000/-

My Policy Details as below.

Sr Client Id Policy Number Installment Amt Date of Policy
1 PO00247357 000263975 40000 07/09/13
TOTAL 40000

The fraud team information.

Request you to raise a complaint against DLF PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE and Agent.

Please help me out to take my money back with interest and take proper action against the above companies agent.

Vinayak Dhage.

Complainant's Goal: Please help me out to take my money back and take proper action agenst DLF
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtra
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Sun, 18 Mar 2018  Sanjay kumar singh

Re: QRDIS01174388 Complaint_GC0000333152000
"Sanjay Singh" to you & others
Sat, 17 Mar 2018 17:52:42 GMT+0530

Dear Kavita,

At a time of sign proposal form i was clearly informed to insurance sales officer issue only one Life Insurance policy and for that i've been issued chq rupess of 20,800 from my Kotak Mahendra Bank A/c. Than how your people can issued 2 another polices without any intimations and deducted both the policies premium from my Loan Amount.

I think you guys make it habbit and playing with customer feelings, without any intimations neither thru call, mesaage or email insurance guys has deducted Approx 1 lac premium from my loan amount and you people are writing in your trail mail "if you are not agree than can cancel the policy and get refund premium as per policy T&C".

Now it's enough conversation and i have seen your customer intrest level in your trail mail, have no expection from play how much you can with the customer. Now i will publish this matter in high social media and court as well.

With Regards,
Sanjay Singh.

From: DHFL Response
Sent: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 15:55:58 GMT+0530
To: "dr.singhsanjay@rediffmail.com"
Subject: QRDIS01174388 Complaint_GC0000333152000

Dear Customer,

Greetings from DHFL.

We refer to your concern regarding insurance on Loan Application No 01642921. We would like to inform you that buying/ availing insurance is recommended basis credit assessment.

Please note that we have your consent to avail insurance prior to loan disbursement (refer Sanction – Cum – Acceptance Letter). You have signed the insurance proposal form as well.

However if you still wish to cancel the Insurance policies, kindly confirm to us via email so that we can explain the process and / or initiate the request for cancellation. The Insurance premium amount will be refunded as per the terms of the Insurance Provider.

For further queries or clarifications, please feel free to call us at 1800 3000 1919 or write to us at .

Looking forward to many more opportunities to be of service to you.

Customer Service Team, DHFL

From: dr.singhsanjay@rediffmail.com [mailto:dr.singhsanjay@rediffmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2018 5:26 PM
To: Customer First
Subject: Without my knowledge issued TERM & Group Life Insurance policies and deducted premium from Loan A/c

Hello DHFL Pramerica Life Ins,

Subject: Without my knowledge issued TERM & Group Life Insurance policies and deducted premium from Loan A/c

Myself Sanjay Kumar Singh having Property loan with DHLF company and at a time of processing loan formalities sales officer has told me without buying insurance we are unable to process doc. basis of that i said them let's apply Life Insurance policy only and for that i have signed proposal form and issued Life insurance premium cheque from my Kotak Mahendra Bank rupees of 20800/- cheque No.75. but today when i have been checked my insurance policies where i saw 2 another policies got issued against of my name where total premium charged rupees of 1,06,175 (80763.51 + 25412.00) which is totally unacceptable at any cost where your sales officer doing wrong practice.

For the ref here i mentioned all three policies details, request you plz address above issues on high priority.

1. Life Insurance Policy | policy No. 00558060 | premium. 20,800.00 INR

2. Group Critical Illness Policy| policy 25200000001|premium. 25412.00 INR

3. DHLF Pramerica Group Credit life + | policy no. GC0000333152000 | premium. 80763.51 INR

Company employees has issued above 2 policies without my acceptance and deducted premium from my approved Loan.

With Regards,
Sanjay Singh

Sun, 03 Apr 2016  Gajendravardan

Dear Mr.Krishna T

Please share your contact details

Tue, 15 Mar 2016  G.Vardan

Dear Sir or Madam,

Some people's are miss using DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE name, and offering for personal loan @ 11.5% PA, they ask your documents after a couple of a days past they tell you that your loan has approved and they will send you fake DD copy of ICICI BANK with Branch Kailash Part 3, after that you have to pay 20,000.00 against the insurance policy that insurance policy is to protect your family from loan amount and to get the DD.

They ask for Blank Cheque or to do NEFT
In Following Account.

Andhra bank

I was already did this and losted my 20,000.00

After paying 20,000.00 on 02:12:2015 in the above mentioned account I ask the representative for my DD he said that it will be handover to you personally by our company representative because he is keep on travelling once he comes to mumbai he required your signature in some documents.

I agree with that because I was out of town, at the moment but I had doubt about his reply and respond after I transferred the money so I taken some action.

1. I sent an email to DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE about my money is credited in your account and verify the Reference no. which that representative gave me.

But they reply there was No Record in DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE about my Policy or Loan and money was also not credited in there account.

2. I email DD copy to ICICI BANK to verify they reply me the DD is FAKE no record found about the DD and Branch which they mentioned is not in there list.

3. I email to Andhra Bank to verify the account holder, account was not belongs to DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE it's belongs to Some LAKSHMI DEVI, and ask them the contact detail of the account holder they said as per IT ACT they cannot share the contact detail of Customer I agree with that.

4. I spoken to that representative after doing all this investigation that what happen about my DD he said your loan has been rejected.
I ask him why he said you send letter to ANDHRA BANK, I said you guys Cheated me you fraud am going to file police complaint then he is telling that his superior did this things, for his wife's operation and speaking some nonsense things, which is not believable and this was not happens to you some of our other clients are also facing this same problem then he was compromising me that he will revert or handover my money by cash before 10th January 2016 and don't take any action or file police complaint against us but still I didn't received my money and he is not picking up call.

This are the Fraud's Name and there contact detail's no.
Mobile No. +********7115/+********4124
Assistant. Zoya.
Call from this no.s.+********7687
/8655 941650/********65/********70
E-mail ID. DHFLFINANCE9@gmail.com

I already raised a complaint against the transaction in NEFT CELL of AXIS Bank to revert my money and Andhra Bank they also registered complaint they visited to account holder's house to revert the money but the account holder is making them also fool, he agreed that he used that money and bank is investigating on it, I written a complaint with Axis Bank also.

I want DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE should aware of this also.

Because I don't want others should loss there money. How I did.

Thanks & Regards

Tue, 05 Jan 2016  Krishna. T

I got a call from DHFL agent on 24th Dec2015, offering loan aganist policy at 0%interest rate. so i asked him to share details to my mail-id for 20lakhs loan . after 2days i received the mail. given details loan amount :20lakhs perimum :per quater 50000, maturity: 10years with 0%interest.
so they asked me to pay intial perimum amout 50000 i said i dont have money i can pay only 20000 immediately he said OK and he contacted to her Manger Preetigupta after i requested her to share her offical mail id to send check mail. preeti said i will give mail id of our director i.,e Balaram swain as director of sales i beilived her and transfered another 20000 into their account. i asked them to send application form and policy no. next day i received policy no.
they said by 31stDEC 2015 evening, you will receive the loan amount i was eagerly waiting for the amount. but i didn't receive any amount, next day i tired calling them no one is picking up the call all through the day i was continuously calling them. On 2jan2016, they called me up and said sir, yesterday was holiday so we didnt pick up the call he said the same old story today 2.00pm money will be transfered to your account. immediately after that some person said i'm calling from finance department u need to pay tax for the propsed loan and asked me to send 12500.rs he said by 3.00pm you will receive the amount i waited till 5.30pm after that i tired to call them someone else picked up the call and said whoever spoke to you are fraud canditates you give me 10000 will process it by tomarrow morning, i ingorned him and waited till monday. again on monday morning when i called manger preeti is on vacation and subhash who contacted me is hospitalised person from finance department ravi said sir, for your loan amount you need to pay another 10000 as hidden charge and this amount will be refunded to you after you receive the loan amount. so i transfered him the 10000. he said same thing today in between 3.00 to 7.00pm you will receive the loan amount. but i didnt receive any amount till now. Total amount i transfered to them 72500.

i have each and every phone no.s of those persons. everyone is playing game.

please, help me to get back my money .

person who contacted me PREETI, RAVI, SUBHASH, AVINASH, ALOK MITRA.

Thu, 03 Sep 2015  Chandrahasa Reddy g



Even I was the faced same issue faced with DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance, but luckily i have been canceled my policy within the free look period as days was passing. So no i will be in loss of only nominal amount of stamp duty fee's. I am not sure as the fraud is entertained by the DHFL Pramerica ot it's broker agencies or both.

Please don't fall in to it like me.


Wed, 17 Dec 2014  kisturchand

My insurance policy file why u not posting .file is issue on 29 September 2014 but not get any documents to me pls post my file my policy issue number is 000325495

Mon, 07 Apr 2014  Raman Kumar

DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD.: agent Mr Vikram Sharma asked to deposit amount into the following A/C No:

A/C NO-31244108235

A/C NO-015010200027104

Mon, 07 Apr 2014  Raman Kumar

Another Fraud Caller details providing loan against DHFL PRAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD.:

Document Collection Center Address:

Vikram Sharma (Manager-DLF)
DHFL Group, Pioneer House, A 45-50, Sector-16,
Near Metro Station Sector-16, Noida: 201301
Mobile: ********71, ********41

Fri, 24 Jan 2014  Bijay

i am one victim of them only one way compain in IRDA let see other should be not fall in this fraud

Thu, 02 Jan 2014  rajinder negi

i also get same offer but i have search about this whole thing on google and i am save from these fraudy people.

Mon, 23 Dec 2013  Rajesh

They just want to sell their insurance policies. Loan is just a bait!!

Thanks Mr. Vinayak Dhage for your posting. Otherwise I would have fallen pray!!