ITBS - Comlaint regarding my i10 Car Magna 1.2 , AC water comes out on Driver foot.
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Complaint by: Shyam on July 13, 2011, 11:43 pm in Cars Parts and Vehicles
My name is Prakash Sinha i had purchase i10 magna 1.2. Octorber 17 2010.
Now I have some big Problem.
1) AC water comes out on Driver foot and sitting next to Driver. Comes out water in turning time.
2) I am always facing this problem in Croud area if we using the break in slow ruing time then break not take a action in same moment.
3) Car picup is so bad. Almost i am feeling i am using very old car.
4) RPM problem.
Complainant's Goal: Review my Complain and short out my problem
Complainant's Target: ITBS
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