am from chennai and invested initial amount Rs 55,000 against 1,25,000 district master franchise fee to a company who are in educational feild and taken over North chennai franchise sale for the company , the company is agrred to adjust balance amount through my franchsie commison of 7 branches , i had already sold 10 franchises . After selling a few franchise in my territory the AMF ( Area master franchsise) of the company is not entertaining to work and not paid my commission for the balance franchises. now company and AMF is sayin that they are terminated my franchise member without any notice . the company and AMF is not issued a agreement aswell . when i requested the MD of the company and aswell AMF for refunding back my initial amount against DMF fee aswell my franchise commision, now they refuse to pay back my invested amount , they are claiming that they will not be refunded at any point.
In case if wish further ther are forcing me to go for an legal file in INDORE,since the juridication for the company is falling under INDORE. Since i am place at chennai and knowing my suitivation they are abusing and playing with me . Hence please help and guide me how do i cliam my invest amount aswell my commision from company , please suggest me accordingly .
i have the following proff aswell
1.DMF certificate issued by the company
2. Receipt of my initial payment
3. Receipt of my book commision and 2 frenchise fee commision issued by the from AMF
4. Mail communciation details with AMF , MD aswell with company representative