I have lodged a complaint(#9165) dated 27/06/12 regarding mixing of water supplied by DJB.Several follow ups have been made on the complaint.
A complaint was also lodged regarding the chocking of drains leading to overflowing of drains in the streets and backlog in the residenc leading to foul smell and a possibility of epedemic.
Food joints in the front lane are also discharging huge food waste in the drains leading to chocking of drains.DJB water conections by these buildings are overflowing leading to water wastage when Delhi is facing acute shortage of water.
I have approached the DJB Executive,Mr Afaque Khan whose contact number is given on the website of DJB.As per him, he is not responsible for Janak puri area and he is also not aware of the right person to be contacted.
I am running from one person to another with any necessary action from the officials.
The current situation has the potential of spread of diseases in the area and hence it is requested to direct the concerned officials to attend to the problem on an urgent basis.