Navjot Singh Thethi - Cheating with IPhone Add in OLX
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Complaint by: Rajesh on June 4, 2013, 11:21 am in Others

Navjot singh Thethi from Orissa posted add on OLX to sell an IPhone 4S for 30000. When I reached him in phone, he asked me to pay half the money at least, so that he can send the mobile to my address and pay the rest later. I accepted and send the money.

After recieving the money he started saying foolish excuses and now he is not responding to any calls. I have all the mails and messges that were send to him for proof"

If someone could help me how to take action on him, it would be much helpful.

His details:

Navjot Singh Thethi,
Contractors colony,
Burla post,
Burla district,
Orissa - 768017

Mobile : ********86 and ********55.
Mail ID :
SBI Account Number : 10********8

He is a Dentist from Gandhi Dental College, Bhubaneswar.

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back
Complainant's Target: Navjot Singh Thethi
Complaint Location: IndiaOrissaSambalpur
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