South East Central Railway - Cheating of common passengers at ITWARI STATION.
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Complaint by: bhaskar on March 14, 2011, 6:32 pm in Annoying Commercials

Dear Sir,
How corruption is rampant in Railway and the administration is doing nothing in order to curb this open looting of the common man who thinks Yeh sab to chalta rahega . Even if complained no action will be taken. I lodge this complain in expectation of some action.
on 10-3-2011 I purchased 7 tickets for Dongargarh. Since i was in hurry to catch the train along with my family i could not give much attention to the cost of all tickets. When I reached on the platform I calculated the amount and to my surprise i found that all 7 tickets
Ticet no. E23791439 2 adults cost 56 ,
E23791440 2 adults cost 56,
E23791441 2 adults cost 56,
E23791442 1 adult cost 28 cost me per ticket 28 X 7 = 196 but I was told to give Rs. 210. And trusting the Railway 's booking clerk won't cheat me I with trust gave 210 to the booking clerk, who took 14 Rs more than actual fare. I came back to take the amount of 14 Rs back but I was told the cost charged was correct. On duty booking clerk said the cost per ticket was 30/- Rs in place of 28 which was printed on the ticket I was dumbfounded , was taken aback . The same time i heard the train 's whistle for departure and I could not pursue the matter and left the counter , thinking that i will pursue the matter later. I could not even lodge the complain with the Station master of Itwari station . In broad daylight such looting is taking place and the administration is not doing anything. if an educated person is being cheated in this manner so what about those passengers who are illiterate. These booking clerks might be collecting huge amount by doing this kind of corruption. Later I discussed the matter with my fellow passengers who told me that this is their daily practice. Especially lady booking clerk are more corrupt in this regard. We think that the Indian Lady gives Sanskar to the children, but here they are completely different. 14 Rs does n't matter much to me. But my main concern is that there should a stop to such kind common loot. And I know that only good officers can stop by taking actions against such corrupt employees.

Thanking you looking forward to action.

Complainant's Goal: The Vigilance of Railway shoudl catch such employees red handed and punish them.
Complainant's Target: South East Central Railway
Complaint Location: IndiaItwari Sation Bookng
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Fri, 29 Dec 2017  Neeraj kumar

Dear sir,
I am using uts for booking gernal tickets but Korba railway station ATVM is not working since 1 months.
Please sir resolve this problem..

Mon, 14 Mar 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to South East Central Railway on March 14, 2011, 6:32 pm