smartmobiles.auctionsales - Cheated me in purchasing of a mobile
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Complaint by: aaneel10 on December 19, 2013, 1:22 pm in Consumer Electronics

Dear sir / Madam,

First of all I would like to say my self that I am aware that nowadays so much of frauds are made but still knowing that I believed that it is the true deal of purchasing mobiles may be year end sale ,
so now I come to the point Nowadays I was trying to buy a mobile online and searching freely on net and ultimately I found a address and made contact to them through mail and then I have a call from them a person name called David with mobile number ********53, and he asked me for purchasing a mobile and i asked the procedure they give me an account number os SBI bank to get deposit 4500 rs in it and then let them inform and they will deleiver the phone , mobile was samsung note 3 and this will be deducted from the main price at time of handover ( sbi acct number was 20137216438. name was akani,ifscode was sbi0000072, later I was called by a number +1********13 telling me calling from uk and u will receive ur product within 24 hrs and set also a mail regarding this ,in initial conversations I asked the first person so much less price why he told it is clearance of old stock, and ultimately on 19th dec 2013 i was called again by the delivery person from number +********0813 now at this time i was in doubt as u also can check the last both numbers told first is only with +1..... and second is +91 ....... numbers are same , hen they said custom personds are asking to get deposited more rs 12500 as acustom duty then they will release the product and we will deliver the product to you so pleas deposit money in account SBI, ACCT NO.- 33349999330IFSC CODE 0006182, BUT this time I refused them as the balance money was to be taken after delivery but they start "nautanki" and also tell me you can ask custom officer etc but I told them you according to deal should deliver my product and collect cash

Now ultimatly I know it was a fraud so please help me and I also was before starting in doubt and want to go to the bottom of the matter but many times i asked their office but they didn't tell, so i deposited the money so that i can reach to the truth , so you are requested to help me in this matter

Complainant's Goal: if it is a fraud then aware all other Our Indian citizens and to give them a les
Complaint Location: IndiaRajasthanAlwar
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