share Trading - Change of Address & Advice for unpaid payment
Contact Complainant 851 Views Report Spam
Complaint by: Mily Biswas on February 2, 2014, 8:59 pm in Others
I am haveing shares of Relaince Group ( with folio no, Reliance Industties Ltd -- 106484166 ,Reliance Infrastructure -- 107273107 ,Reliance Communication-- 009900781 ,Reliance Natural Resources-- 009900781 Reliance Energy-- 107273107, Reliance Power-- 209900781) since due missplacement of all documents , due to change of my residence & address I did not receive any communication along with payment voucher , if any , from your side . As such you are requested to kindly regularise the same at your earliest. Mily Biswas, new address- 1 Sridhar Chakraborty Street Uttarpara Hooghly Pin- 712258 .
Nb- If Name of any company is left out kindly regularise the same & oblige.
Complainant's Goal: Proper communication & advice for due payment
Complainant's Target: share Trading
Complaint Location: India › West Bengal
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