Bhashyam School - Bhashyam school of mental asylum for stupid students
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Complaint by: maynami on November 26, 2013, 6:26 pm in Education and Schools

The curse of the near by residents of school, will cause havoc, pain destruction for the forthcoming generations of the family of current owner of the school. His life, his family will be in real hell, havoc, his progeny will have all misfortunes and all types of illnesses which never will be curable.

bhashyam brooks will produce unethical crooks who are already a menace to the society

There is no ethics and morals for bhasyam school management, In the midst of a residential colony, how can u put children school and cause noise pollution, traffic problems, nuisance, filth and dirt?

the motto of Bhasyam school is "MINT Money, but don't give proper facilities and cause nuisance to residential area"

I know u have political power, muscle power and also the money MINTED from school, but your School is unethical and causing lot of nuisance and problems like traffic snarls, loud and long burning crackers for celebration.

expect a speedy corrective action, to make the surroundings peaceful, no noise, no traffic snarls, no garbage, no trash

bhashyam school causes irritating noise of school children

The school causes below problems

parking problems
trash problems
noise problem
crowding the residential area
nuisance in a residential area

The autos to pick children, the filthy school bus all these cause traffic snarls and problems

near Radhika Theater, Officers Colony, A S Rao Nagar

bashyam school is causing traffic snarls, noise pollution and the school kids are like monkeys and low lying animals irritating the school residential neighborhood

don't which unethical, crap, stupid govt official gave clearance to bhashyam to set up a school in residential area

i expect a response u filthy scum bag bhashyam school management

Complainant's Goal: School, school brats are a menace to the nearby surrounding residents
Complainant's Target: Bhashyam School
Complaint Location: India
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Sat, 08 Feb 2014   Message By Complainant maynami

The curse of the near by residents of school, will cause havoc, pain destruction for the forthcoming generations of the family of current owner of the school. His life, his family will be in real hell, havoc, his progeny will have all misfortunes and all types of illnesses which never will be curable.

bhashyam brooks will produce unethical crooks who are already a menace to the society

There is no ethics and morals for bhasyam school management, In the midst of a residential colony, how can u put children school and cause noise pollution, traffic problems, nuisance, filth and dirt?

the motto of Bhasyam school is "MINT Money, but don't give proper facilities and cause nuisance to residential area"

I know u have political power, muscle power and also the money MINTED from school, but your School is unethical and causing lot of nuisance and problems like traffic snarls, loud and long burning crackers for celebration.

expect a speedy corrective action, to make the surroundings peaceful, no noise, no traffic snarls, no garbage, no trash

bhashyam school causes irritating noise of school children

The school causes below problems

parking problems
trash problems
noise problem
crowding the residential area
nuisance in a residential area

The autos to pick children, the filthy school bus all these cause traffic snarls and problems

The autos shamelessy, unethical encroach the entrance of the residents

hope the bashyam owner, building owner, the parents of school children, the stupid school teachers have a horrbile death with horrible diseases

near Radhika Theater, Officers Colony, A S Rao Nagar

bashyam school is causing traffic snarls, noise pollution and the school kids are like monkeys and low lying animals irritating the school residential neighborhood

don't which unethical, crap, stupid govt official gave clearance to bhashyam to set up a school in residential area

i expect a response u filthy scum bag bhashyam school management