Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Beggers sitting on the footpaths with there small childerens and creating troubl
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Complaint by: Mujahed on January 6, 2011, 8:25 pm in Government and Police

Respected sir,

This is to inform you that there are some beggars who are residing at the busy road to commissioner office and city civil court opposite to Central Bank of India Chatta bazaar, Hyderabad, A.P. due to heavy rush of vehicles in the working hours this beggars are living with there small children’s on the road and with there negligence there are major accidents are taking place while the children’s play and some time run on the road.

I request the concerned authority to look into the matter and take necessary action against this peoples and shift them to some other location allotted by the Govt of India for beggars. And sir this is my Second complain

Thanking you

Complainant's Goal: to shift the beggars to other safe location
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Thu, 06 Jan 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation on January 6, 2011, 8:25 pm