HERO HONDA - Battery Problem for a bike with no Kick start - zmr karizma
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Complaint by: SESHU.YM on March 17, 2011, 12:49 pm in Cars Parts and Vehicles

Hi Concern,

This is regarding Battery Failure of my Karizma ZMR, more than 6 time starting from my purchase of vehicle I got starting problem in the middle of the road because of low power battery, I started engine by pushing the bike from back with the help of people on the road, this is very sham for me for being a zmr karizma bike owner and even for hero Honda company, last three times when I got the same problem i called servicing people to carry the bike to service center,
After charging the battery every time they sent me back saying battery is good,
I have approached servicing center with same problem three times.
And Fourth time battery completely got damaged told by Service center people, I gave my battery and asked for replacement,\
After 4 days when I called they gave me information that battery replacement is not possible.
Service center which I have mentioned above is (MODY MOTORS 183/184, Rashtrapathi Road, Secunderabad, Andra pradesh - 500003, Ph: 27537702, 27537706, Fax: 040-27548021)
Vehicle Registration no. AP 28 DE 5533

Please help me in this issue,

I am expecting Reply soon,

Thank you & Regards,
Email: yerrojuseshu@gmail.com
Mobile: ********75

Complainant's Goal: I want replacment.
Complainant's Target: HERO HONDA
Complaint Location: IndiaMODY MOTORS 183
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Recent Comments
Sun, 25 Dec 2011  zonawia

m also got the same problem,i even use other starter relay but nothing change

Thu, 13 Oct 2011  Sai Kumar.B

i am sai kumar staying in secunderabad asked the broucher for the hero honda pleasure to the sales person is refused to give the broucher & telling me that the brouchers are not coming from the company side only its very sham of hero honda company & mody motor & very very very bad response to the customers by the sales persons is that the way to talk to the customers its sham of mody motors.(MODY MOTORS 183/184, Rashtrapathi Road, Secunderabad, Andra pradesh - 500003, Ph: 27537702, 27537706, Fax: 040-27548021)