Aditya Birla Minacs - Bad experience with aditya birla minacs
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Complaint by: Devaki on October 19, 2010, 6:33 pm in Others

I worked for aditya birla minacs for almost 1 n half months as i got referred back from the cricket process they told me to meet someone from millenium tower office to see is there any other process i can apply to.
as i was late to meet the person over there by 12 days n he told nothing about that that i m late and wont get paid even after working for so many days. Why the recruitment authority didnt informed about it when they had all our phone numbers and detail? now my Hr is saying that i wont be getting my salary as i didnt resigned on time. i need to ask that y they didnt informed us before itself about this policy? y they didnt called us and informed about it? company says that we value your time and money then why all these things are happening now. I joined this company and have always trusted it but now i really have a bad impression about it and i admit that due to my poor skills i got referred back but what about the company? are they not responsible for it? why they have landlines in their office if they cant even call to thier employees and inform about this important matter. It really shows that there's no value of our money and time, so what do v do now? do you have any answer for that? m not concerned mush about the money which i didnt get even after workind but the matter is that that it shouldnt get repeated again as every fresher joins the company with full faith on them but when it gets broken it is a failure for that company, and i am very sad that i was a part of this company. this shoulnt happen to others i request for it.........

Complainant's Goal: i want the authority to wake up and do something on it
Complainant's Target: Aditya Birla Minacs
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Recent Comments
Thu, 30 May 2013  Janaki

Hii devaki i was also a part of minacs n am so ashamed to say this. This was my first job and i was so happy about it but everything just blew up!! I was referred back because of sheer politics going around in the office. I had taken leaves which were inevitable!! I met with an accident and so i had to stay back n take rest and i did keep everybody informed about this. And when i go back its a NCNS. I just dunno why they drop their employees for no reason. Seriously a horrible experience with minacs. The HR's and other higher officials are just misusing their status. There is no unity amongst the employers and employees. And now without a prior notice or warning i have been asked to put down my papers. I just hope that these comments are being reviewed by the director. They literally forced me to give my resignation. And i have seen employees who just dont show up for 3 days continously and then no action is taken against them. At this rate the company is just gonna lose more employees. Human tend to Err! They dont understand this small logic.

Tue, 19 Oct 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Aditya Birla Minacs on October 19, 2010, 6:33 pm