I have completed my Engineering graduation and I am searching for a job. I have seen an
advertisement through internet from a consultant namely Kanak for a Job in IT company on march 27
2012. I have contacted her through her mobile and she told me that I have to pay Rs.10,000/- initially
for getting the job. Believing her words, I have Forwarded my resume to her e-mail and transferred an
amount of Rs.10,000/- to a Citi Bank Account bearing No. 52********, Lajpat Nagar in the name of
Gurleen Shergil on 30/3/2012 as per her instruction. Then I have contacted her next day and her mobile
number was switched off and I did not get any response from her till now. Thereafter I have realized
that I have been cheated by her.
Hence, I request you to take necessary action against her for cheating me and also request you
to get my money back at the earliest. Herewith I have enclosed Bank Chellan, Job Advertisement, and
mail Conversations for your reference.