Personal - ATM transaction not happend but debited the money
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Complaint by: sabusahadevan on February 15, 2010, 11:18 am in Banking and Finance

Dear Manager,

sub: ATS issue (account number ********176)
In the last week I tried to withdraw some money from an ATM. My fisr attempt was at SBH Vennala ATM and it was found from the reciept that\"sorry unable to process\".I tried twice the result was the asme.
On 13th Feb\'2010 I went in to the same ATM and the result was the same. Then I went SBT edappally ATM, again I confronted with the same result\"sorry unable to process \". Each time I swipped for Rs.2000/- and a total sum of rupees eight thousand i.e, 2000x 4 attempts.
On today I tried to wothdraw some money from the mundakayam branch throgh cheque, where the cashier told me that no sufficient money in my account to honour the cheque.

I therefore, requesting you to please check your system and make necassary correction and credited back money at the earliest.
Thanking you.,

yours faith fully,
c.s sabu

Complainant's Goal: to credit back the incomplet transaction
Complainant's Target: Personal
Complaint Location: IndiaCochin
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Wed, 17 Feb 2010  Message from Helpdesk

You have not mentioned your bank name and other details.