Myself Suvendu Kumar Parida, At- Kanchan Bazar, Kumbhar Sahi, Near - Shiv Mandap, P.O/Dist- Dhenkanal, Odisha - 759001, purchased one ATLAS make electronic vehicle (Atlas - Classic) from Pooja Agency, At - Ganesh Bazar, Dhenkanal, Odisha - 759001 on 25th December\' 2008 at a amount of Rs.28,000/- (Twenty eight thousand only). But time to time the vehicle requires repairing and maintenance. The maintenace like Brake adjustment, Wiring failure not maintained by the Supplier (i.e., Pooja Agency). But on 12.10.2009, the vehicle was out of order due to battery not charging and it was damaged. When I book this complain before the Pooja Agency, he said that when the mechanic comes, it will be repaired. Actually the Pooja Agency have neither any mechanic nor any authorised person to repair. So please consider my complain and make necessary arrangement for refund of my purchase amount (ie., Rs.28,000/-)
An email communication has been sent to Atlas Cycles on November 2, 2009, 4:20 pm