Aspverve Wellness - Aspverve Wellness did not deliver order
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Complaint by: Krishan on July 18, 2015, 8:27 pm in Business and Finances

Dear Sir,
The undersigned complainant wants to bring the following facts to your kind notice:-
1. I am an Indian holding Canadian citizenship and is permanently settled there. My address has been given herein below.
Krishan Lal Kohli)
Genral Manager
‘Active Life Maintenance Inc.’
#203-12736-80Th Ave Surrey BC V3W 4s9.
2. I am the General Manager of purchaser company namely ‘Active Life Maintenance Inc.’ #203-12736-80Th Ave Surrey BC V3W 4s9. Mr. Arul Prakash K. has claimed himself to be a seller of the products which he intended to sell to me and for which the orders were placed by me from Canada.
3. Vide quotation dated 10/11/14 vide reference APV 08571, beds (11in number) were offered by the seller company namely ASPVERVE WELLNESS, to me and which offer was accepted by me.
1. In terms of the payment condition while 30% amount was to be paid in advance out of the total sale consideration, the balance 70% was to be paid by my company at the time of shipping of the subject products. The copy of the Canadian invoice in this regard is attached as Annexure-A.
2. Two receipts showing the payment having been made by me to the seller company for an amount equivalent to 30% of the total sale consideration and the balance 70% of sale consideration are being filed as Annexure-B.
3. It is stated that the entire payment viz.100% in terms of the quotation has been remitted at my end through RTS.
4. The accused on 08/12/14 sent an email to me while demanding the balance payment and stating the confirmation of 11 beds which were ordered to be shipped from India to Canada and which were kept for shipment. The copy of the email issued by the accused dated 08/12/14 is attached as Annexure-C.
5. While repeated requests and demands have been made by me time and again through emails and through telephonic/mobile calls but the accused always avoided the issue and most of the time made lame excuses that the shipment is ready and the same would be sent shortly. On the contrary nothing as assured by the accused happened and the status of the supply as on date is that despite receipt of the entire 100% amount towards sale consideration of the 11 beds on the apart of the accused, not even one bed out of the consignment has been sent leave aside the shipment of total 11 beds.
6. The complainant has further come to understand about the fact that the accused company has already been involved in other cases of fraud, cheating and for committing various other illegal and unlawful activities with other customers also.
7. While it was more obligatory on the part of the accused to have been careful in its dealings with the complaint as the said shipment was an act which was bringing foreign exchange and the name and conduct of the accused was also on stake had it been fair and bonafide in its transitions with his customers including with the complainant, as such due to willful and malafide and dishonest acts of the accused, even the name of our revered country gets defamed and tarnished abroad.
8. It is stated that the accused has intentionally and dishonestly committed various offences including of cheating and fraud, criminal misappropriation, criminal breach of trust and as such are liable to be punished as per law.
9. In the wake of the aforesaid facts, you are requested to take strict legal action against the accused and his accomplices who have cheated, defrauded and misappropriated the amount of the complainant and apart from committing other offences and causing financial loss to the complainant, the accused is /are liable to be prosecuted and punished as per Indian Penal Code.
I, therefore, request your goodself to look into the matter and to do justice to me by registering a F.I.R. for the offence of cheating, fraud, criminal breach of trust, criminal misappropriation of amount and other related offences having been committed by the accused and by bringing to book the above named accused, who has/have committed various offences is/are punishable as per law.
Thanking You,
Yours’ Sincerely,
(Krishan Lal Kohli)
Genral Manager
‘Active Life Maintenance Inc.’
#203-12736-80Th Ave Surrey BC V3W 4s9.

Note:Payment Prrof is sent to you by separate email as JPG size is more than 500KB along with other documents

Complainant's Goal: To get my order or refund my money
Complainant's Target: Aspverve Wellness
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Recent Comments
Mon, 27 Jul 2015  Manoj ranka

Really aspverve wellness fraud company..owner Arul Prakash cheater..

Sun, 19 Jul 2015  Narender Singla

I know the complainant very well. He is honest and have dealt with this transaction faithfully. But Arul Parkash ( Indian Citizen) claiming to be from ASPVERVE WELLNESS company in Banglore India have cheated and misappropriated the funds should be punished. Now the government of India is inviting the whole world to invest in India for Make in India. But how can that happen without any surety and obligation by the Modi government. Otherwise we appreciate Modi' decision and policies.Thanks