Elite Job Solution - Aman Mahajan and Vijay Bhalla of Elite Job Solution- Job Consultation Fraud
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Complaint by: Farhan on September 27, 2014, 1:11 am in Career and Employment

Hello Sir,
I need to report a complaint about a job consultant from Delhi who promises of providing/scheduling job placement and takes initial deposit and promises of providing an agreement stating all the terms and conditions, but after the payment of amount Rs. 3000 that person becomes not reachable and does not answer the calls or gives false promises saying that he provide the jobs, later on he promise that he will refund the amount by deposit in my bank account later which never happen till date and still does not answer the calls.

My Details:
Name: Farhan
Amount Cheated: Rs 3000

Name of the consultant who cheated me : Aman Mahajan and Vijay Bhalla
Email Id: amanmahajan1993@gmail.com
Contact No: Aman(********52), Vijay(********87).
Address: Elite Job Solutions
114, 2nd Floor Veer Savarkar Block, Shakarpur, Nirman Vihar Metro Station Pillar No 58, Delhi-110082.

I was contacted with the above person on the call received from Shine.com, I think Shine.com was also involved in this fraud.

I here request you to take action regarding this kind of person before they cheat many other innocent and help me to get my money back.
Hoping an early action from your side.

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back
Complainant's Target: Elite Job Solution
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiEast Delhi
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Recent Comments
Fri, 16 Jan 2015  sakshi

They have made a fool out of me too called me from shine.com. gave me adress of some new hope hr services in laxmi nagar
confirmation call for documents was done by mr.Vijay bhalla.
fake people take a strict action against them

Thu, 15 Jan 2015  sourabh

he has also cheated me.he has taken 3000/- from me by doing promise that he will provide job.please take strict action against him.