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Complaint by: Bhavani Paruchuri on November 8, 2011, 11:28 am in Internet Related

Hi everyone ,
Hoping I will get some guidance to get rid of the mental torture I am going through because of poor service from AIRTEL

Mainly two concerns

1. Cancellation request

In first week of October I raised a cancellation request for my AIRTEL BROADBAND (# 080-41645165)

They took my complaint ( reference number 5407594), one customer service agent called me and said they will keep in safe custody
for 2 months and I can go back to them when ever I want. when I came to know that 'safe custody' means some monthly charges
I refused that offer and asked them to terminate the connection immediately (Ref #6042708)

They said connection would be cancelled with in 7 days and there won't be any charges from the day I registered a cancellation request
I have not used internet / landline service from the same day

on 06-Nov they sent me a new bill for the period (05 Oct - 04 Nov) for an amount 1100 rs.

Why should I make this payment when I have not used their services?

2. Second concern is regarding non updation of online payment.

on 25-Sep I made an online payment of 1300 rs to AIRTEL using my internet banking
The BIL no given by my bank for that transaction is 255489405. Amount is deducted from my bank account.

AIRTEL said they dint receive the amount so I raised a complaint with them (ref 5718584) to track my online payment
I sent them my bank statement and bill no. which shows that the payment has been made to AIRTEL on 25-Sep

For nearly 40 days they kept on saying that they are 'working on my request on Priority'

Suddenly from 31-Oct their COLLECTIONS department started calling me for 1300 payment !!
and they started sending reminders to my mobile also !

I am mentally tortured by their continuos calls and messages asking for the payment when I myself am chasing their customer service to look in to the non updation of my payment

ADDING TO this poor cordination between thier customer service and colections department , their BILLS department sent me a
new bill saying I have not paid 1300 payment so I am charged a late fee of 100 rs !!
also they said I should pay latest month's 1100 bill (When I already cancelled the connection)

so my new bill (number ********3)
says I need to pay 1300 + 100 late fee + 1170 (latest month in which I have NOT used their service) !!!

I really need help to address this issue, I am literally going crazy by their futile emails , reminder messages and collection calls

Please advise

Thank you


Complainant's Goal: I should not be billed after I cancelled my connection!
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Thu, 10 Nov 2011  Sebi Thomas

Please contact Airtel nodal officer for Karnataka and also the appellate authority. But very rarely they respond, but give it a try