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Complaint by: on December 24, 2013, 1:23 pm in Others
Respected sir/madam,
My name is swaranjeet singh and I want to draw your attention toward that factory which is creation noise ,air and water pollution and no one even taking a step against to him. They give bribe to some police and mcd inspector and they don't do any thing against them. That company is draining polluted water to the sever and severs are getting choked by that,but no one is taking any step against them. They are doing air pollution by grinding glass in back lane and no one is taking any step . In process of grinding glass they makes so much noise ,and the result is same no one takes steps. please do something or if u cant then please suggest us what to do .
Complainant's Goal: please shift this company or seal them
Complainant's Target: Glass work
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