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Contact Complainant 993 Views Report Spam
Complaint by: Raj on February 18, 2012, 5:57 am in Online Shopping
Amount loss/claim: Rs. 1,500
Dear Sir,
I ordered 3 ipods and 6 watches but 100bestbuy.Com delivered me only 4 watches and 1 ipod of very local quality which is not working even usb cable and earphone is not working but they promised me costly ipod during its purchase..in delivered items 2 ipods and 2 watches are missing..
I mailed 100bestbuy.Com many times but they never replied me even I called customer care service but they are always busy and never picked up my call..I want my cash back...I need help of this site..please help me :(:(
reference number of my order is 2483582
Complainant's Goal: to refund my money
Complainant's Target: 100bestbuy.com
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