SBI - Upset with the behaviour of staff
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Complaint by: Dr. sunita kaul on October 24, 2010, 5:37 am in Banking and Finance

Dear sir,
this is to bring to your kind notice , that I had really a shattering experience with SBI staff . I have been holding an account with SBI for last 13 years and never had faced such empathetic behaviour.
Sir I had applied for a car loan which did not get approved due to lack of specific information for various reasons, which was unfortunately not conveyed to me by the agent handeling it.
I just made a visit personally to the branch and spoke to the manager there regarding having a straight forward communication on there part as the loan processing and enquiry took four weeks which normally takes a very short time.

Instead of acepting the facts and settling /solving the thing the branch manager MS.KANUPRIYA SBI VASANT SQUARE MALL< VASANT KUNJ NEW DELHI threw a trantrum and dramatised (swearing on her mother ), shouting and screaming loud in the bank premises for covering her staffs insensitivities and concern.

Am sure such things do happen but u should see to it that keeping such immature and childish bank managers are going to spoil your Banks credibility and such a behaviours from atleast a bank manager it jus not acceptable as its a very responsible position.

Am sure I will get some positive answer from you .
thanking you

Complainant's Goal: a bit mature and concerned behaviour
Complainant's Target: SBI
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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