My mobile number ********28 was ported to AIRTEL from Virgin mobile(CDMA) on 31st Jan through the porting code: TA113799. The new Airtel sim is activated on 1st Feb 2011, and then all the problems started. The porting was not complete. The following are the problems that i'm facing now:
1) My Virgin sim is still active and both the SIMs are working currently.
2) All e-recharges and easy recharges are going to the Virgin sim and not the airtel sim. I did a 222/- recharge on 1st Feb 2011 and Virgin sim got recharged with 197 balance(as per Virgin tariff).
3) No SMSes coming on Airtel sim, all my bank account alerts and internet password reset alerts are missing i.e., they are not coming to either Virgin sim or Airtel sim. This is a very big concern for me. :((((((((
4) I am able to call from my Virgin sim to my Airtel sim (Both having same number).
Currently my situation is NO SMS, Incoming on Airtel sim and outgoing from Virgin sim.
This is really frustrating. I have lodged 2 complaints with airtel the following are complaint numbers:
01-Feb-2011 : CBDCC30201350317 (time given for resolution was yesterday and nothing turned up)
When called today for followup with the above complaint they lodged a new complaint without giving update for the above one
04-Feb-2011 : CBNRA20204011614 (time given is 24 hrs).
They repeatedly keep on saying that SMS should not be a problem, when i'm saying that i'm not getting any SMSes.
I have used airtel in the past, but never faced any issues with their quality of service. But now i'm really. I know i'm not supposed to use such language, but try to understand my level of dissatisfaction. :(
Hi Dinesh, Did your problem got resolved? How did you complain to CNBC awwaz? Was there any effect from the complaint?
I support this too have faced this type of complaint & wrote to news channel CNBC awwaz to raise this matter with Trai who can direct companies to take action otherwise telcos shall not listen.
An email communication has been sent to Airtel Andhra Pradesh on February 4, 2011, 11:14 pm
Hi Rakesh,
I went to airtel service center madhapur on saturday and they said they are helpless and asked me to get in touch with Airtel customer care (121). When I called 125 from service center and asked about the status of latest complaint CBNRA20204011614, all they did was lodged a new complaint CBDPA30205593513 and again took 4 days of time i.e., 8th feb. This is happening everytime and they are simply lodging a new complaint and asking 3-4 days time to resolve the issue. I am really getting frustrated and if the issue didn't get resolved by the promised time tomorrow, I am planning to approach local newspaper or complain in consumer court. Please expedite the resolution process.