HCL Career Development Centre - Misconduct by Center Head. A big no to batch allocating, invoice bill, refund
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Complaint by: on May 7, 2012, 2:42 am in Education and Schools

I am Karthik of Chennai working as a project manager for a reputed IT Company at Chennai. I had seen & facilitated to many institutes but the worst mistake I have ever did in my time is, joining the HCLCDC. I am writing here to give awareness to the public about HCLCDC (Anna Nagar, Chennai).
If you have few very simple issues that has no solution & Center Manager (Suresh) has become so scare of me to show his face or attending calls during working hours. Ooops When it comes to his working hours, really his staffs have any idea when he comes to center. Even I have tried to meet him more that 10 times directly & a call follow up more than 50 times during 9 am to 7 pm. He is not allowing my issue to escalate further to the higher people nor he is responding to my mails or calls. Such a coward, cheap minded, local languages with profanities and unprofessional behavior (Really he is fit for nothing !! No idea why HCL is damaging such its identity in the market)


Lets come to issues which lead me to Suresh (HCLCDC Center Manager/Head):

1. I am working professional as said, I had a long vacation since my 2 year project was success (I was allowed only after project closure, so I have to wait for leaves)

2. I have decided to train a little on C & C++, since my upcoming projects are going to use this in development & I have learnt this some 10 years ago later when I have not used it & never got any chances in my career to develop with these languages. So it would be helping me in my projects.

3. The TRUST I HAD ON HCL, I have decided learn from professionals. Big daddy of IT (really they are Chotta bachas in this Industry I realize now)

4. I was convinced to join immediately on 12 Oct 2011, since the classes are going to start from tomorrow. I have paid through my RBS Debit card. They charged it & said they will give the invoice along with the materials.

5. Invoice not received the after joining a big batch of students. Not received because the counselor girl Neetu have left the job from yesterday(Batch strength is only one that is me) Waited for the faculty for 1 hour inside a closed room without any ventilation. No AC were on ! Later the faculty came in & said let us continue after two days because some more students are joining here & the time will change. Not a problem at all for me.

6. After two days a crowdy batch (only 2 members including me, the other guy is doing some BE not very sure). I have to wait for him since that guy was on the way to institute & the tutor too. After a hour they reached & got another excuse from me & the suddenly another surprise news that one more student is coming so lets start the class after two more days. I am impressed with all activities inside this institute (AN UNPROFESSIONAL FELLOWS WHO COMES TO TIME PASS)

7. After that we were 3 now. That is 2 guys & a gurl. The tutor started giving introduction of computers till two days.

8. Later the faculty comes late since he is coming from kanchipuram so he was forced to change the batch timings too. meanwhile I have noticed that a guy called Biapathy he interrupts the classes all of a sudden by entering & talking to the tutor in a moaning methods & the tutor runs behind him & break for 10 minutes ;-)

9. Next day the tutor didn't come. No body called me to inform me that. But I was waiting inside the same room for hours. Just before the day ends the receptionist came to me and told that the tutor will not come today. WOW !!

10. The next day went in and waited for sometime a big surprise for me the receptionist told me the tutor is changed & the reason was he left HCLCDC a day ago. So accepted to get another tutor but no tutor was assigned to me. And no idea about the other two students. Who where very much enthusiastic to talk about my profession & the girl was seeking for a job so I gave her some interview tips & referred few companies too.

11. Invoice was not given till that day, asked manytimes they said will give along with the materials. I was not received even a single piece of paper inside this institute.

12. They didn't call me as promised about the re-starting of the batch... and days passed on calling them & telling the same stories to many staffs inside & went directly many times for 6 months. I became very curious to listen different answers each time.

13. Meanwhile I have escalated the same to the center head (Suresh), he gives me great promises. I felt like his promises are like a politicians promise !

14. After few days I have decided to quit this course & lost all the hopes of learning here. So started asking about the receipt of payment & refund of it. He plays really smart in making others as fool. But how long he can give the same story that he will check with the accounts in Mumbai. I had a suspect him because he acts like checking in his laptop and shows no payment made. I was really hurt & felt very cheap for interacting with them for just 3300 rupees. Later I felt there are many other programs are there in so they might charge above Rs.20,000.

15. I was wasted the time money petrol energy by investing in HCLCDC to learn. And very much frustrated because of these lazy's dramas.

16. I spoke to my company advocate about this & he said HCL is really a good company, better goto the Royal Bank of Scotland & ask for statements. I received the transaction details of my account.

17. Spoke to Suresh & told him that I have the records of transaction and you cannot tell me that I AM NOT A STUDENT here. I have paid & registered most of the things while joining. This guy is so lazy he cannot even check their billing machine records. Later I gave him few ideas, that there could be chances of having my signed merchant copy & where do you maintain it.. He suddenly went out & came with a ugly notebook which contains most of the merchant copies. Later he gave me the copy, which I noticed the date of joining is there not the received date. But I have no problems on dates at that moment.
Joined: 12-10-11
Received: 19-03-12
Receipt No: 525/12/10/11/Neethu

18. I took that to my company auditors & advocates for suggestions. They asked me to wait for my mails reply from him dated on March 21,22,29.

19. Not received any reply mails or cc'ings. I walked again, again & again to speak to him. He says he is busy. Like I a coming for time pass. I go with my project people for million dollars. So hope you could understand how busy I could be. If I go directly he is busy or not in office, or else if I call he not answering the calls.

20. Some day again I went in the noon to center as a surprise & the receptionist said he is busy. I answered her politely I am also busy I am going to speak to him for two minutes, she allowed me & went to his cabin room & found him chatting on sms to someone.. I asked him about the refund & he replied me that I will receive the amount in 2-3 days time, Gave him the account details with IFSC code & messaged him the same to his mobile.

21. Very shocking, I was not received any refund & trying to reach him since more than a month directly & on phone. Suresh was so busy in his new house warming celebrations one day I got as a news. Another shocking news he is not only a staff in HCLCDC, he is also running other business so he will come to HCLCDC as surprise in a week. But I dont care about it. My concern is about my refund which is not received.

The time is now 2 am now (mid night). I am still typing in frustration he gave me.

I have told you about the Painful stories, then Hide & seek stories then, I cannot tell you how HCLCDC insults when asking for refunds.

Another story about the environment:
There is some space for bike parking only ! & that too covered by most of the staffs.
The institute is located in 3rd floor. They do not operate the lift since it is repair for years & years as they said.
They put AC occasionally, No proper reception response.
Tutors will leave the jobs sooner (Nobody will like to work under this senseless manager), so often tutors change.
All the staffs will call you as "MA" like they show they are big. But most of the tutors & staffs are directly from Colleges. Unethical way of communicating.
Lots of communication gaps in the institutes if any issues come on your way then you will have hard time.
No proper response from anyone either & lot more.

I know very much how the learning & development centers operates. I have facilitated about the methodologies in IT sectors to msme, iitmrp, kpmg & few companies. So I would strongly recommend HCLCDC is really not a good choice for students.

I also strongly recommend to the corporate companies not to continue any relationship with HCLCDC, I also found similar issues in all the centers in Chennai. Few of my employees gave me poor feedback.

I would appreciate anyone taking steps to give the complete refund in my case !!
HCLCDC, Try to understand your customer's nerves or else you will loose everything.

Thanks & Good night !!

Complainant's Goal: Awareness to IT Students & Corporates
Complainant's Target: HCL Career Development Centre
Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduChennai
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Recent Comments
Mon, 30 Sep 2013  saravanan

I have attened the sessions in HCL CDC. The session are usefull . I can suggest everyone to go their and gain knowledge. Am suggesting my friends also go their

Sun, 29 Sep 2013  mano

With the reference of my senior i went to HCL CDC ANNA NAGAR to do my IPT with HCL i attended the session.it was very innovative and make my upgrade myself in my field its very useful class which i attended.i suggest u all to attended this useful class

Sat, 28 Sep 2013  shwetha

By seeing the post i have just went for an enquiry to HCL CDC and i have got an interest to join internship with HCL .
By this internship program i have gained my knowledge from the HCL Staffs which helped for my carrer growth.

Sat, 28 Sep 2013  shalini

HCL CDC Provides a platform for the students to get placed in Top MNC's .i have undergone IPT in HCL CDC . i have learnt soo many new things from the session.i suggest every one to undergo this IPT and i planned to do my project and .Net training program in HCL CDC

Mon, 07 May 2012  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

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