Bajoria Appliances Pvt.Ltd - I am not satisfied with your product and services
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Complaint by: Nimai Ghosh on July 8, 2012, 3:23 pm in Home Furnishings

" To whom it may concern ''

I, Nimai Ghosh bought a Kuchina kitchen chimney on 16th of march 2012 from Bajoria Appliances Pvt.Ltd , merlin homeland 18B Ashutosh Mukherjee Road , 3rd Floor , shop no.322 kolkata-700020 . My kuchina model no is VOGUE SS and the machine code no is C111100504189 and my customer code no is 10101375 , and also my docket no is 111213002500 .

On the completion of my one month of purchase , one fine day i tried to auto clean my chimney following the instruction given to me by your serviceman who came to install the machine , though he d didnot demonstrate the whole procedure physically it was just verbal. I was completely shocked when the autoclean started as my Chimney turned into a water fountain or you can also call it a shower with soap water coming out from all sides of the chimney including from inside the light . It took me and my wife who are both 70 up several hours to clean the chimney and my kitchen . We called your office the very next day and they send their men 4 days later and i was shocked at the company's efficiency . Anyways the person who came o see the machine , opened up the entire machine and came to the conclusion that the machine indeed is defective but he has no power to do anything so a senior personnel will come and do what is to be done . Moreover when this man tried to set the machine as it was he couldnot and there were gaps everywhere, he then plugged in newspapper to bring it in a stable state but unfortunately couldnot . You can very well imagine the look . Previously it was not functioning properly and now it's looking extremely ugly . When after 2 days your senior personnel came and he too admitted the machine is defective and that a part has to be changed . Now my question is why should i change a part of the defective machine which was sold to me very cleverly and that too when it's only a months old . I have spent Rs.14,000/- not for a defective piece as money doesnot come in easily that to for a retired man like me , money matters o me . Kutchina kept on testing our patience for months and then at last i made a stop payment of Rs.4000/- but inspite of that so many months passed and the company did nothing . As the company felt that they made a very good bargain my selling a defective machine in Rs.10,000/- not bad at all what do you say ? I am a senior citizen of this country and the government provides us with so many facilities to run our lives smoothly and without complications but Kutchina had tried all possible means to harass us in other words they are not only selling goods their other business is also CHEATING people .

I think enough is enough so I want my machine to be replaced at the earliest and the needful to be done as soon as possible . Otherwise I will have to take some legal action as per the law of my land allows me to . I hope you will look into the matter seriously and get back to me at the earliest .

Nimai Ghosh

Complainant's Target: Bajoria Appliances Pvt.Ltd
Complaint Location: India
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Sun, 08 Jul 2012  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Bajoria Appliances Pvt.Ltd on July 8, 2012, 3:23 pm