Airtel Gujarat - I am not being allowed to port out from airtel since last 45 days
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Complaint by: mustafabuxa on March 11, 2011, 6:09 pm in Mobile Service Providers
I am a subscriber with airtel gujarat having no. ********51. Due to signal problems i opted to port out from airtel to vodafone.
Though no contract and no outstanding dues my port out as been rejected by airtel thrice giving reasons that i m on contract wit them.
Wen proved wrong by me they came up with another excuse the porting id does not match the donor allocated porting code.
the bunch of cheaters are sitting there to befool the customers and make big money.
I know tis too wud fall to deaf ears.
Mustafa Siraj Buxa
Complainant's Goal: to port out from airtel
Complainant's Target: Airtel Gujarat
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