Software - Harrasment of Multiple TTEs and Ticket Inspector on denial of giving them bribe
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Complaint by: Chandra Prakash on January 10, 2012, 5:28 pm in Indian Railways

I was harrassed by mulitple TTs(4 TTEs) and Inspector for TTs(3 TIs, I remember name of one - Kishore Kumar) on Journey of 8th Jan 2012 from Bikaner to hyderabad(Train no. 17038), The TTs who were harrasing me were operating between Bikaner and Nagaur.

I had booked the ticket on 16th Dec. from my personal Irctc account and I had the print out and also the ticket in my both laptops, the TTE asked for proof and I showed the proof and he denied to consider the Driving License proof, which is clear and nicely visible proof, but he didn't agreed and keep on saying to show the other original proof, I told him I have only this proof but he didn't listened, then I told him that I have the scanned copies of my passport, Election commission VoterID Card and Ration Card in my laptop but they were not in mood to listen and keep on saying that can i get those proof in hand out of laptop(how can I, and if I had I would have shown him), then I asked him that I can show the proof that I had booked ticket from my personal bank account, and personal IRCTC account but they were not considering whatever I was saying and were not agreeing that I was the authorized person to travel with the ticket, I also shwon my company's ID Card, my visiting Card, My passport Tickets, My company letter head Port of Entry letter which I used few days back for my trip to NL, but they were not listening and then one of them advised me that it could be sorted out once you come to other side, I went to other side and then they demanded for 300Rs I refused to pay the bribe so then they started shouting on me and putting unnecessary blames of travelling without ticket, and threatened me that they will make a case against me and pull me in court against judge and so on.

I said that I will talk to station master(as I don't know what to do) in Nagaur where the train will stop and will sort out the matter and show them the proof if he also denies I will pay the fine and travell. But they didn't listen and fined me and given me a receipt saying travelling without proof. Every one nearby my cabin were shocked and surprised by their behaviour some people also tried to discuss this but they scolded everyone.

I had to pay 752 Rs.(which I had receipt 250 Rs Excess fare + 502 Rs fare - ReceiptNo. is B 143047). So I was treated as a culprit, was harrased even after booking tickets 20 days in advance, paying money in advance from my bank account. What's the use of this system, we pay extra money on booking tickets from internet, reducing the no. of people on booking counters, helping the railways in either aspect but we are the ones who are suffering from both ends. Please consider my case and help me get my money back else I would stop creating tickets from the internet and would ask others also who are in my touch.

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back! nd Cultrprits must be punished, system must be streamlined
Complainant's Target: Software
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Tue, 10 Jan 2012   Message By Complainant Chandra Prakash Soni

Moderator Please move this complaints to Railway TTE Cateogory, by mistake it went to software.

Tue, 10 Jan 2012  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Software on January 10, 2012, 5:28 pm