Indian Railways - Mismanagement in 2A in Chetak Express (Delhi - Udaipur)
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Complaint by: RK Agrawal on April 1, 2011, 2:14 pm in Indian Railways

I was travelling in Class 2A in Chetak Express (Train No. 12981) on 31.03.2011 from Delhi S Rohilla To Udaipur City Station .
The incident placed that TC Allowed a more peoples on each sleeper so that the capacity of the of Passengers were the more than the capacity of the Coach . So there was too much disturbance and the some of them were drinking alchohol .
When I complaint to the TC for the access of Passenger and those were Drinking and I also demand complaint book but niether he took any action against them nor gave me complaint book .
Kindly Take the action against the Such time of TC's and Attendends also who were not present/Duty at night in the coach like 2AC.

(PNR No. 2418997742)
(Sleeper No. A1 - 32)

Complainant's Goal: No Repetition of such kind of incident in the future.
Complainant's Target: Indian Railways
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshRewa
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Mon, 12 Jun 2023  Anonymous

I am travelling with my family on June 11 2023 by Chetak express back from Udaipur to Delhi in 2A coach when I saw that at Ajmer station many people boarded the coach and hid themselves was with due perm9ission of the attendants ...All attendants were enjoying at one place without bothering if the doors are locked or not ..After the complaint to T.C ,2 people were caught who.had hid themselves but even after that entire night went on with people entering the coach's quite frightful.for the families ..I ll bring this to the wider knowledge of the govt. Agencies also as see the level of fright that I am.writing this complaint during my travel time not post travel ..I am in train right now ..

Thu, 06 Apr 2023  Kanika

I was traveling in sleeper class of 20474 chetak express on 3 April from Ringus to Delhi S Rohilla station..
The incident is that TC is not checking the tickets... sleeper coaches is filled with people having general tickets..and there is no place to stand in the coach those who having confirmed tickets in the sleeper coach and Ac coach...there are many families those who are facing some problems to enter in their coaches because some boys those who not having their tickets..closed the gate of sleeper coaches...
Kindly take the action against the TC and attendees those who are not present on their duties at night..

Complaint's goal -No repetition of such kind of incident in the future..otherwise train have to cancel for lifetime..

Thu, 10 Nov 2022  Jatin jain

Nov 09
Cotch SE1 sliper

Sir many people without sliper ticket in my cotch and thay all are irritating us...
Plz help...

Fri, 19 Aug 2016  ashok

Sir i have seat in chetak express 20/8/2016

I m seat in sleeper class but after one hr. Tt come in my coach and demands 400 hundred i m not stisfy this qution after tt dimand in 100 i have give
After singn the ticket and order to live the coach give me ticket in which fill the singn and 100 rs are not show in railway recorded i have not satisfy this step

Fri, 19 Aug 2016  ashok

Sir i have seat in chetak express 20/8/2016

I m seat in sleeper class but after one hr. Tt come in my coach and demands 400 hundred i m not stisfy this qution after tt dimand in 100 i have give
After singn the ticket and order to live the coach give me ticket in which fill the singn and 100 rs are not show in railway recorded i have not satisfy this step

Fri, 01 Apr 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Indian Railways on April 1, 2011, 2:14 pm