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Complaint by: Charanjeet Singh on November 18, 2012, 10:29 am in Home and Garden

Dear Sir/Madam,
Kindly take a look in to this matter and advice me if you could do anything in this matter ,No response yet from INDIAN OIL /MINISTERY OF PETROLEUM (Authority handling PRAJYOTI ENTERPRISES) to provide the solution.
I expect you will take this issue seriously and let the gas agencies know , for the benefit of consumers paying for such a costly gas cylinder.
This is what faced by me and others who are dealing with PRAJYOTI ENTERPRISES.
Thanking you
Charanjeet Singh
>>> Charanjeet Singh 11/15/12 1:24 PM >>>
Dear Sir / Madam,
This is to bring your necessary attention towards the working of PRAJYOTI ENTERPRISES, KESHOPUR BRANCH,OPPOSITE VEGETABLE MARKET,NEW DELHI.
Today i went to submit my KYC form for gas cylinder and when i asked the receipt for the documents i submitted.Both the madams sitting on recieving counter , of which one lady name i know is Geeta Rani accompnied by one another lady have said that no acknowledgement or receipt can be issued for these documents .
I asked them why ? they said me clearly we cannot issue any receipt for this !Its not only me , people i saw standing there at PRAJYOTI have the same grevience or might be you too if you submit your KYC form over there and do not get any receipt for the same .
I question the INDIA OIL ,Is this the service you are offering,in future if they question me back that i did not submit any KYC form with them , then who will be responsible for that.
Either the KYC form is not mandatrory in the eyes of PRAJYOTI ENTERPRISES or they are not serious to work for people.As per the law every single paper submitted entitle the customer with acknowlegement.
For what reason this is malfunctionig is happening openely in PRAJYOTI and giving handwritten reciept in the form of acknowledge of KYC (its lying with me , i can show you upon your requirement) which looks like a small piece of split paper and written with handwritten name and sign of your counter sitting staff !!thats it , is this acknowledgement??
Why the laws are kept on stake?
I did not get apology letter yet for the greviences i registed week before as mentioned below in berief :
1) PRAJYOTI GAS door shutter was 65% open and 35% close on the working day ,to avoid dealing with customers by PRAJYOTI Staff sitting on the main table inside to handle queries??
2) PRAJYOTI GAS delivers leaked cylinders where in the gas is not as per written on the cylinder weight , either the one who is writing is not writing the correct amount of gas in it , or some one is doing leakage in INDIA OIL LPG DIVISION , why ?
3) PRAJYOTI GAS is not providing any kind of receipt or acknowledgement on the KYC form /any necessary documents submitted with them ,why ?
Awaiting for the revert at the earliest , else i have to proceed ahead to get solution for my complaints registed with no response from your end.
Charanjeet Singh
Reply at Email :
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Charanjeet Singh
Date: Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:16 AM Subject: Fwd: Complaint against INDANE Staff & Management

Dear Sir/Madam,
No response recieve yet from any one from Either from Prajyoti Gas Agency , Keshopur ,New Delhi (Opposite Vegetable Market).
They are not ready to apologise for their mistake of delivering less amoutn of gas / gas leakages done by them and eventually customer is suffering by paying 800 to 1000 per gas cylinders.
Ms Shikha Ahuja told me that it should not be less than 1% of the total weight i.e (14.2)kg of gas cylinder which is 142gm.
On their own words they are not ready to stand , kindly advice where should i appeal or you like me to proceed ahead to get justice against cheating with the general public.
Kindly do respond me at the earliest.
Thanking you !
Charanjeet Singh
Mob: +91-********63
Reply at Email :
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Charanjeet Singh
Date: Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM Subject: Re: Complaint against INDANE Staff & Management To:
Dear Sir,
After my complaint , Prajyoti Agency responsible for distribution of gas cylinder in my area as i mentioned below, one of their staff came to deliver me the KYC form at my form .I wont forget to mention he also bring the apology letter as per his requirement not as per my complaint.
I also got call from Miss Shikha Ahuja ,some senior staff above Prajyoti Gas Agency ,Keshopur,New delhi (Opposite Vegetable Market).She told me Mr.Singh the cylinder weight is 14.2kg and as per the govt 1% of gas rebate can be given to the agency for these lpg gas cylinder division .
I clearly agreed and accepted her offer and told her and Prajyoti gas agency staff also that 1% of 14.2kg is 142gm , and i permit your gas divisions to keep 200Gram per cylinder no issue , you can earn profit, but nothing less than that.
On my this offer also madam Shikha ,Prajyoti Agency both are not agreed and says that is also not possible.
I ask them then you tell me how much you can promise to send me ,out of 14.2kg , but i did not get any precise and honest reply uptill now.
When a customer like me is ready to get loss of 200 Gram on his Gas cylinder , think about the people living below the poverty line ? How they will manage the cylinder of Rs 800 to Rs 1000 with the loss of more than 200 Gram of Gas leak out from their cylinder / hard earned money.
No one can imagine , These agencies just thinks about to earn their own profits not about the poor people helplessness, how they will manage to cook their food with such inflation and gas leakages already done before the cylinder reaches to them.
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches !!!
My complaint was just for an apology letter regarding the working environment of Prajyoti Gas Agency,Keshopor ,New Delhi (Opposite Vegetable Market) along with a trust based promise written in the same letter mentioning me to agree and manage the leakage of maximum 200 Gram on each cylinder for which i can understand and agrees , let them earn also.Atleast they should do the justice with a normal person.Since i have noticed many times when the gas cylinder reached at my home and by mistake i got its weight checked and it was sometimes 500 gram sometimes 900 gram less than the amount written.
What does their system thinks , people are fool and they won't question where this gas is going ??If i can write letter for your Vigilence and Inspection Department ,why cant this agency issue me one small letter.I request Petroleum and Natural Gas Division to get awake and active to find the fault to provide complete satisfation to their customers.
Do appreciate if LPG cylinders are provided 14.2kg accurate or more than that instead of sending cylinders having less than 14.2kg everytime i recieve.
Kindly do the needfull and arrange me the apology letter as per my requirement.
Charanjeet Singh
Reply at Email :

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Seth, Rajan wrote:
Dear Dalip,
Pl. attend to the customer grievances.
राजन सेठ/Rajan Seth
From: Charanjeet Singh []
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Complaint against INDANE Staff & Management
Dear Sir,
I am writing this message to awake the working environment of INDANE staff and Management.
Today in the morning i went to your INDANE GAS AGENCY IN KESHOPUR. When i reached there , i saw the main entrance Shutter is 65% down and 35% open.I hope you understood what i mean to say.It was opened just to let the fresh air to come in but not the customers who have complaints or any other issues pertaining to their requirement.
I would like to ask the Management !
1) Do the customers not paying enough money on Cylinders gas ,that the Staff is not getting enough salary or commission?
2) Do they expect some bribe from the customers to give complete satisfation to the customers ?
I am provoked by one of your staff named as INDER SINGH as told by him. working in Keshopur Branch .Today in the morning i went to your branch to get KYC FORM from the agency and MR.INDER SINGH replied me , FORMS ARE FINISHED .I asked him when it will come. he said might be tomorrow but not sure!
I ask you , are the KYC forms coming on some trucks , that it is delayed and coming - might be tomorrow, no other way to print it online for the public?
My sister in law came twice just to get the KYC form from your branch and same answer given to them also.Since they are not aware about their rights , they kept quiet.
What do you think general public and MAD AND FOOL coming to your agency wasting their time and energy to expect a Simple Form , that even your branch cannot manage.
Thats why public blame the government is corrupt and not working as per their satisfaction.Who will listen the complaints of people who cannot manage even to complain?
I wasted my time and fuel just to reach you and get a form , and your staff are not fully sure they can print and copy it and get it available for the public , but your agency do not bother about the time of others.
Many things are going wrong which i am sure about in INDANE GAS AGENCY IN KESHOPURAM , such as Gas Filling in Cylinders are not on precision based.Since i have checked the gas cylinders , always when i check the weight , gas is less than the written weight on cylinder.
I question you ! who is paying for this costly cylinders , and still the accurate gas is not given to the customer.Dont you have quality maintainence department who can check these things from your end before the delivery?
Your gas agency should be charged penalty + tax on every single complaint for less gas in cylinders or whenever the cylinder delivery boy comes back to your agency to replace the cylinder just to get the cylinder having right amount of gas in it and deliver it as many times he dont deliver the right amount of gas in it.
Kindly tight your management for better customer satisfaction with honesty.
As a vigilant citizen it is my duty to find the fault and let the governmetn know about it publicly / media.
I need apology letter from the INDANE MANAGEMENT ,HEAD OFFICE - DELHI for the inconvenience happened with me today.Else i have to proceed ahead .
Thanking you
Charanjeet Singh
Reply at :

Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Sat, 14 Jan 2023  lakhwinder kaur

Dear Sir ,

My complaint is 5 to 6 time cylinder received your agency and not proper gas & weight filled and use we gas cylinder only 14 day so please request you check our agency and proper gas filled deliver cylinder my consumer no 12201 and current received cylinder yesterday 12Pm weight cylinder
not proper and light weight

thank you